Insulated metal wheels?

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Re: Insulated metal wheels?


Post by 508035 »

Generally I tend to use Hornby 12.6 or 14.1 mm wheels available from all model shops as far as I know. These wheels are also available on ebay, however, a lot of them are offered for prices above what model shops will charge so my advice is stick to model shops for wheels. I might be wrong here but I think they are also available direct from Hornby via their website.

For Bachmann vehicles I generally use the wheels already fitted to them. As far as availability of Bachmann wheels is concerned, I am not sure if it's the same as with hornby wheels although you won't get Bachmann wheels from the Hornby website but I know they are available at some model shops. The only model shop that I personally know of where I can get Bachmann and Hornby coach and wagon wheels is Chester Model Centre. I am sure that there will be other model shops that will stock wheels from both companies but I am not sure which shops, possibly DCC Concepts might be able to help unless anybody knows of other shops where both brands of wheels are available but I would definitely give Chester Model Centre & DCC Concepts a ring or pop them an email.
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